sunnuntai 30. elokuuta 2015


A very warm welcome to the fascinating world of Olympic history

The biggest sports event in the world has been part of my life since I can remember.  The first memories I have are from Sapporo Winter Olympic Games 1972 which I followed from my grandmother's black and white TV-set.  That time I didn't understand the time differences yet and I was very upset when I was unable to see the closing ceremonies at 4am.

Now as older, I had an idea to start researching the history of the Olympic games by visiting the cities that once hosted the summer Olympic games in the order the games were held.  So my adventure begins from Athens 1896 continuing all the way to Tokyo 2020 and perhaps further

So, let's begin the adventure to the wonderful world of the Olympic history.  Hopefully you have as interesting time to share my experiences as I have collecting mine

Panu Tihula
London, Great Britain

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